Submissions and Review Process
Contributions to AJLAS are invited from all parts of the world. Articles may be written in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or Korean and they will be published in the original language. Each contributor will receive, free of charge, ten off-prints of the article and a copy of the issue of the Journal in which it appears. Manuscripts must be original research; AJLAS will not consider papers currently under review at other journals or that duplicate or overlap with parts of a book or larger works that have been submitted or published elsewhere. If there is doubt about whether the manuscript is acceptable, authors should discuss this issue in a cover letter to the managing editor. Review essays are also considered. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Publication dates are April 30, August 31, and December 31.

Information about the Journal's review process is detailed below.
Instructions for Contributors
1. All contributions and editorial correspondence should be submitted to the journal:
Asian Journal of Latin American Studies
Attn: Dr. Gyoung-Mo, Gu
Busan University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea

2. Formatting of Manuscripts:
  • Length: Manuscripts should not be longer than 10,000 words, including text, tables, figures, title page, and references.
  • Style and Layout: Font size should be ¡®Garamond¡¯ throughout the work: text 10.5 point, footnotes 8.5 point.
    • Titles, subtitles, and text subheadings should be chosen for succinctness and interest. The title page should also contain the name, academic rank, institutional affiliation, and contact information (address, telephone, e-mail) for all authors. In the case of multiple authors, the title page should indicate which author will receive correspondence.
    • Manuscripts should be ordered as follows: title page, text, abstract, keywords, appendices, references, tables, figure captions, figure pages.
    • Submission Form: All submissions should include this manuscript submission form, available in Word or PDF format. An abstract (200 words) should be included with the submission form.
  • Submission Form: All submissions should include this manuscript submission form, available in Word or PDF format. An abstract, no longer than 300 words, should be included with the submission form.
3. The electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted directly to the managing editor. Please submit properly-formatted electronic manuscripts (a single file containing all parts of the paper) in Microsoft Word.
References and Citations
4. References and Citations:

In text, quotations must correspond exactly with the original in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Short quotations within the text should be noted by quotation marks; longer quotations or extracts should be indented from the left margin and require no quotations marks. Changes and additions to quotations should be identified by bracketing; ellipses [¡¦] should be used to identify omissions; emphasis added should also be indicated. Embedded citations should be used, hence please do not use footnotes for simple citations. All citations should be specified in the text in the following manner:

(a) If the author is named in the text, cite by year of publication:¡¦ Drake (1966) has suggested ¡¦

(b) If the author is not named in the text, cite by last name, and year of publication: ¡¦ it has been noted (Fuentes 1979) that ¡¦

(c) If necessary, pagination should follow the years of publication separated by a comma ¡¦ it is argued (Lagos 1983, 22) that by ¡¦

(d) Dual authors should be joined by ¡®and¡¯ multiple authors should be indicated by ¡®et al.¡¯: ¡¦ other approaches (Snyder and Diesing 1977, 392) may assume (Alessandri et al. 1971, 217-221).

(e) If an author has multiple references for any single publications year, indicate specific words by the use of lower case letters and separated by semicolons¡¦ the one hand (Lacan 1974a, 45; Lacan 1974b, 22) ¡¦

(f) Series of references should be enclosed within parentheses and separated by semicolons; items should be ordered chronologically, by year of publication, and alphabetically within any year:¡¦ proponents of the position (Russett 1981; George 1982; Holsti 1983; Starr 1983) and many ¡¦

The reference section should begin on a new page following the text and any appendices. Works should be listed alphabetically by author, followed by a section listed alphabetically by institution - or title of any material not attributed to any specific author(s). References should conform to the following format:

(a) References to books should list author(s), year, title, place of publication, and publisher: ¡¦ Von Misies, L.(1983), Nation-State and Economy: Contributions to the Politics and History of Our Time, Leland B. Yeager(trans.), New York: New York University Press. ¡¦ Strunk, W. Jr. and E. B. White(1979), The Elements of Time, 3rd ed., New York: Macmillan.

(b) References to journal articles should list author(s), year, title of article, journal name, volume, number(s) and inclusive pages:¡¦ Lipset, S. Ni(1983), ¡°Radicalism or Reformism: The Sources of Argentine Working-class Politics,¡± Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 1-18.

((c) References to works in edited volumes should list author(s), year, essay title, volume editor(s), volume title, place of publication, publisher and inclusive pages:¡¦ Weber, M.(1984), ¡°Legitimacy, Politics and the State,¡± in William Connolly(ed.), Legitimacy and the State, New York: New York University Press, pp. 32-62.

((d) References to monographs in a series should list author(s), year, title, series title, place of publication, and publisher: ¡¦ Fromkin, M.(1986), The Limits of Recognition, Sanger Series on Law and International Society, New Haven: Sanger Publishers.

Page proofs will be supplied to the first author of a paper, but only errors in the type setting may be corrected at this stage. Any substantial alterations will be charged to the author(s). Consequently, the author(s) should ensure that the paper is submitted in final form. Proofs should be corrected and returned within seven days of receipt.

anuscript Formatting Information

Review Process
  1. Initial Review: Upon receipt of the manuscript, the managing editor or other area specialist will make an initial assessment of the article and ensure that all required information for the submission process has been included. If any information is missing, the reviewer will contact the author.

  2. Full Review: After the initial review is completed, an electronic version of the manuscript will be sent out to three reviewers. The authors will receive the reviewer's comments and have an opportunity to make corrections and resubmit.

  3. Final Review and Publication: After authors revise and resubmit, the manuscript will undergo a final review prior to publication. The time from submission to final review and publication may be as little as two-three months to as long as a year. Publication dates are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. Authors will receive ten off-prints and a copy of the journal in which the article appears.

  4. Rejection: This may occur during either the full review or after the final review and publication. Authors will be notified as quickly as possible if their manuscript is rejected so that they may seek publication elsewhere.